Reinstating texas driver license

Please allow 21 business days for processing. Box Austin, TX If you cannot pay your reinstatement fee online, you must mail your payment along with your compliance documents to the address below. When your driving privileges are suspended, you'll need to wait out your suspension period , complete your requirements , and pay your fees before you can fully reinstate your drivers license.

Your reinstatement fees and requirements will vary depending on the reason for your license suspension. You'll need to provide:. You will also need to submit any required suspension compliance documents and a Financial Responsibility Insurance Certificate SR22 from your insurance company to the Department of Public Safety.

Get car insurance quotes with our insurance center and find a cheaper policy. Below are some additional requirements you may need to satisfy depending on the type of suspension. If your driver license was suspended for a drug-related offense , you'll need to complete a hour Drug Education Program. If your suspension was the result of being involved in an accident while uninsured , you'll need to submit 1 of the following documents:.

If you have questions about your specific situation and the documents required, visit the TX DPS license eligibility online service or contact the Department of Public Safety:. You may be eligible for a temporary occupational license , if you need to drive for:.

Restricted licenses are usually valid for up to 1 year. They can be issued for a maximum of 2 years if granted by the court. Your occupational license request will be processed immediately unless your driver's license was suspended due to:. The Texas Department of Public Safety may issue a hardship driver license to a person who complies with the requirements for the Hardship License for the following reasons:.

Drivers may get a mandatory suspended drivers license in TX are as a result of the following offenses:. Drivers who are convicted of DWI may be ordered by the court to install interlock ignition devices on their vehicles. Motorists older than 21 years of age will get a driving licenses suspension period of less than two years for a first offense.

Adult drivers who submit to a breathalyzer test showing a BAC level of. A subsequent offense will bring them a suspension of one year. To reinstate drivers licenses in Texas, adults will have to enroll in an Alcohol Education Program.

Drivers may also be granted probation, which requires completion of a hour alcohol education course. Certificate of completion of this program must be submitted to the Texas DPS within days from the conviction date in order to prevent getting a revoked drivers license. Drivers younger than 21 years of age will get suspended drivers licenses in Texas for a period of one year and will be required to complete a hour Alcohol Education Program.

Minors who fail to complete this program will receive a suspension period of days. A subsequent offense may result in a drivers license suspension period of one year. Young motorists may also receive suspensions of 30 days for a first offense, 60 days for a second offense and days for a subsequent offense.

These driving license suspensions will be received if minor drivers commit the following offenses:. Failure to provide auto insurance will bring a Texas suspended drivers license to operators of motor vehicles. In addition, drivers must maintain the insurance coverage for at least two years from the conviction date. Note that providing an insurance card or policy will not substitute an SR form. Drivers can get a Texas suspended driving license due to a failure to appear in court or a failure to pay a traffic ticket or a fine.

Fill Out the Form Below. As a part of this process, we can try to: Appeal your administrative suspension. Fight the criminal charges against you. Negotiate a deal that allows you to avoid an additional criminal suspension. Help you apply for an occupational license. Experienced Attorneys We have the knowledge to help you get the best possible outcome with your case. Our experience will work for you. General ,. Communication is Key We keep you informed of every step of the way, communication is what separates our firm from other firms.


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