These reasons include:. Before we start with any method, it is important to check the SQL Server error logs and events logs and if you come across an error caused due to hardware issues, you need to get it repaired and see if the problem is resolved.
If there is no hardware issue, start with the methods below:. First, make sure that your data has backup and follow the steps below:. Note: If the corruption still exists, use the following query to rebuild the log file. Before running this query, put the database to Offline Mode and change the name of the corrupt log file. If this method seems a bit difficult and you wish to adopt an easier and effective method then follow the next method.
Once repaired, a new transaction log file. Follow the steps below to repair and rebuild your SQL log file:. Step 2: Once download is complete, run the software. Step 6: To proceed with the repaired database saving process, choose any of these options:.
It is pertinent to highlight that there are very scarce methods to repair SQL Server database repair. Furthermore, even those available methods may be quite hectic to follow. Do we need to have any mdfs from the system databases? Any other files we need to ask data recovery company to look for? Thanks for your help in advance.
Improve this question. Regardless of what happens here, I hope you have learned a valuable lesson. Thank you guys for your feedback and help. Sorry, that long time did not respond. This is because the issue was solved and I forgot to tell. Thank you! Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Timmermans Timmermans 36 1 1 bronze badge. Look at this resource, you might find more useful information. Or you can click on the Script button on the top of the Attach Databases wizard screen and export the t-sql script which can be used for attaching database files manually later.
As you see attaching a database file is implemented by running a Create Database t-sql command using the For Attach optional argument. You can use the below t-sql script as a template for your case and run the script to attach database files to a SQL Server instance. After you have made your checks, if you are still using the SSMS you can click on the " OK " button to run the attach database process. You can track the status of the process on the bottom-left section of the dialog screen. You will see that the contents of the databases node on the Object Explorer window is refreshed automatically to reflect the change or the addition of the new database.
Sign in to vote. Like the Murphy Law says Any ideas for what happened or to recover the datbase i havent mutch hope in that. Sincerely, AM. Thursday, December 27, PM. I would try another recovery program Dusty Thanks for the Reply, any sugestion for recovery programs?
Friday, December 28, AM. Tuesday, January 15, AM.