Relief society christmas program

Thank you so much!!! Hey- I'd love to send it to you. Send me an email to occasionallycrafty yahoo. I would love to have the download for the video and the vinyl if possible. I''d love to have the file as well!! Thank you so much!! Could I get the file for the vinyl? We are going to give those the tiles as gifts for our RS Christmas dinner this year and I am in charge of making them.

This is so beautiful! I only have a cricut do you think you could just tell me the names of the fonts you used for your vinyl?? The and Gift are Times New Roman. Best of all is LaurenScript. Good luck! I have a Silhouette and would love to use your file please. Send me an email at info occasionallycrafty. Your comment here doesn't have an email address attached.

Valerie, Could you send me the file for the silhouette? We would love to do this for our Relief Society Christmas gift this year. My email is heather. Ok, I'll try this again.

I love your ideas and would like to use some of them. Your blog is awesome. Can you send me a copy of the silhouette file. Thank you so much. To bad you can't upload the file here to a cloud or something so you don't have to keep sending it out, but I too would love for the Silhouette file. Did you used a 4" tile? My email is dehemmer yahoo. Don't know why I'm coming up as Unknown. Hopefully you'll get this message. I would like the Silhouette vinyl file for the tile. I was hoping to make them this week for my primary teachers for all they do to teach the best gifts to a mom and dad, their little kiddos.

It really was a great program. If I remember right, we had dinner before. After a certain amount of time we let everyone know that we would be beginning the program. They could continue eating if they felt like it. As for the time frame…I think it was 45 mins-1 hour, I think.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any other questions. I love this program and plan on using it. Do you know where we can find it? Hi Maria! Just click on the title link and it will direct you to the song. The link for the shortened version is coming up as unavailable. Is it possible for you to email it to me? This is such a beautiful program and I was hoping to look at the shortened version and see if that will work with the time frame we have available. Hi, I love this idea!

Can you email me more complete version, or help me download? Also, did the kids make their little trees as the symbols were presented? I just sent over the files for you. I thought it would help keep them busy.

I also cannot open the complete version. It looks like a wonderful program! Could you send the files to me too? Thanks for sharing!!!

Hi Mitzi! I just sent over the file for the complete script, and I uploaded the script again and changed the link hopefully that fixes problems. Hope you like it! Thanks, Linda Worthy linda worthypromotions. Hi Linda. Did you try downloading the Word file link that I have at the bottom of the post? If you have trouble I can email the file to you. How long is the longer version vs. Thank you!! The longer version was about an hour, if I remember right.

Hope this helps answer some questions. This is Amazing!! Thank You. December 2, December 17, December 16, Where did you find the square glass ornaments. I would love to make this for my VT sisters this year. I lucked out and got mine at a garage sale. But I think you might be able to get them at Hobby Lobby or Etsy.

Thank you so much for sharing. I will definitely use this message for friends and family. You are so awesome. How did you get the items into the ornaments so neatly? What did you use to make the vinyl lettering? Love this!!!

The fabric was just a long strip, so I feed it in there and positioned it using skinny knitting needles, but skewers would work to. I then added the raffia on top and positioned that too with my knitting needles. Thank you so much!! I have a cricut, by chance do you remember the size of your font? Thanks so very much. I am going to download the printable too. I just measured the available space on the ornament and made sure the text fit within that area.

I have never used a Cricut, but I know that the Silhouette allows you to see how big the final cut is going to be. I just measured the bulb to make sure it would fit. Hi, We love your pdf about the swaddling clothes and want to send it with all the home teachers to families in our ward.

I see from the comments that other people have used your ideas for sisters in their ward, so maybe this is something similar? Also, could you tell me where you got your information about the swaddling clothes? Thank you so much for asking. Yes, sending it out with the home teachers would definitely be okay. One of my major sources was a talk by Elder Russell M. Thank you so much for the beautiful message you have shared with us. This has realy enriched the spirit of Christmas for me. I see that the pdf is a free printable, would you allow me to copy it to go along with the ornaments we are making for our Folsom 2nd Ward Relief Society?

Thank you for this beautiful idea! I am hoping to use this idea and printable for a gift for our RS sisters from the presidency. Would that be okay? Also, I will absolutely be purchasing a Little Lamb print from your friend. I am absolutely fine with anybody using the printable to distribute at church. I am so glad that it is helping others feel the spirit of Christmas too! As you go over each symbol have someone take the decoration and have someone hang it on a tree that is displayed at the front of the room.

The Women Who Knew Christ. Plan ahead and ask six ladies in your ward to dress up as women who knew Christ:. You can follow the program idea found here. As a gift or handout print out the following as a book mark or laminate to be used as a magnet:. Invite the show choirs from your local high school to come and perform their Christmas and holiday songs. Have the ladies bring pre-made dinners, crocheted or sewed items, handmade jewelry, paintings, crafts, etc to auction off.

Also, allow people to auction off services they are willing to render like babysitting for a night, free hair cut, painting or piano lessons and have everything set out on a table. In the weeks before have handouts at church for each sister to take home. They earn points for the auction by doing different things daily like reading scriptures, attending the temple, exercise, saying prayers, etc.

Each thing is worth a certain amount of points each day. Look for the book at your local library or book store. While the narrartor is reading the story you can have planned ahead to have a dramatization of the story by acting out the book. Decorate the tables with Christmas trees, tree stumps, shrubbery , wreaths or anything woodsy. It could be store bought, or home or hand made. Go around one at a time so everyone can see what each person brought.

Have the gifter explain why that is their favorite thing. We did this recently and it was a huge hit with everyone of all ages. It was so fun to get to know each other this way and see what things people love! There were so many different things such as: candles, cake mixes, socks, gift cards, treats, nativities, body wash, lotions, etc.

Christmas Jars. This activity is based around the story Christmas Jars by Jason F. For the program ask someone to read the story, it is short and sweet but very touching. Hope, a journalist happens upon a human interest story that winds up teaching her lessons about love and forgiveness and renewing her own faith in human kindness.

On Christmas Eve, twenty-something Hope Jensen is quietly grieving the recent loss of her adoptive mother when her apartment is robbed.


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