My strong recommendation is that their license be revoked. The three-member liquor board listened to testimony from Brito and some of his officers before voting unanimously to revoke the license. Liquor board member Charles Mades said he was concerned something more serious might happen if the bar, which is at W.
Franklin St. ACT also plans to offer some show-specific cocktails, similar to other venues. Scott Rubel, ACT's artistic director, said drinks will be available before the show and during meet-and-greet sessions with cast and crew members after performances,. In part, he said, that's to make sure buyers are not sharing drinks with people who are not old enough to consume alcohol.
Buczkowski also stressed that the license is for a theater only. If the facility ceases to be used as a theater, the license allowing alcohol will end as well.
The original plan, he said, proposed allowing customers to serve themselves up to 10 ounces of wine and 32 ounces of beer. The liquor board, which voted to grant a liquor license to the tap room, told Carson to keep them posted. However, the City Attorney's Office does not represent individual residents or neighborhood groups at the State Liquor Board hearings.
How can I speak for or against a liquor license? Written comments or petitions should be mailed, faxed, or sent by e-mail to the City of Mesa Licensing Office. The City Council holds a public hearing on each application immediately prior to voting on whether to recommend approval or denial of the application to the State Liquor Board.
What is an Extension of Premises? An Extension of Premises is an extension of the existing area occupied by the licensee and can be either permanent or temporary. ARS This includes outdoor patio tables within the boundaries of the licensee's property.