In New York State, professional misconduct in all the professions except that by physicians, physician assistants and specialist assistants, which is investigated and prosecuted by the Office of Professional Medical Conduct OPMC of the Department of Health is investigated and prosecuted by the New York State Education Department's Office of the Professions.
The Board of Regents, which also has responsibility for licensure in all the professions, is responsible for the final disposition of all disciplinary matters except those handled by OPMC. Information on uncontested determinations in which a licensee has been assessed a fine for committing an infraction of a minor and technical nature is available by phone: , ext.
Information on pre Regents Actions may also be obtained at these sources. Also posted is a list of compliance agreements reached in cases of alleged illegal practice of the professions. Company License Number Vehicle Plate. How do I get a dental license in New York? For getting a dental license in NY, there are several requirements that you need to correspond to: You must be over 21 years old be of a good moral character meet examination requirements meet educational and experience requirements After that, another important point is to complete a training regarded to identification and reporting of child abuse.
How much does a dental license cost in New York? Do I need a license to whiten teeth in New York? What should I do while receiving a dental service? You should also ask questions to the dentist about the terminology and the medications that you are taking carefully answer to all questions related to your health; and completely understand the details of the procedures you are going to carry out.
What should the dentist do? While providing a dental service, the dentist should strictly follow the rules of hygiene, sanitation and safety wear a mask, gloves and appropriate clothing discuss all the details with you and get your consent before taking on any procedure.
Rita S. With over the years of writing content for a number of websites, Rita has a uniquely developed style of writing. Rita is a copy and content writer with experience of three to four years. During her working years, Rita has written many articles and blog posts for different companies in the world. She provides coaching, ghost writing, and ghost editing services. We cannot provide the status of a licensure application by phone. We thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Dentists restore and maintain dental health by diagnosing and treating, operating on, or prescribing for any disease, pain, injury, deformity or physical condition of the oral and maxillofacial area.
In general, this means the teeth, gums, jaws, and other areas of the head and neck as long as the mouth is involved. Under the supervision of a dentist, dental hygienists provide treatment to prevent cavities and gum diseases.