Note: Though this discussion focuses on the use of LCD mounts, the steps detailed in this flat-panel TV installation guide still apply when mounting a plasma television. Just be aware of a few exceptions though: Plasma TVs are substantially heavier and generate more heat, two important considerations which have to be taken into account. The three key issues detailed above are essential if you want to ensure a proper TV installation.
Yet prior to proceeding any further, there is an even more important step to take into consideration: Can you do the job yourself?
As expressed earlier on in our introduction, the use of LCD mounts renders mounting of a flat-panel TV a relatively easy job that can be done by most users. Furthermore, the many different variants of LCD mounts provide an easy-to-use mounting solution under most circumstances. Yet, mounting of a flat-panel TV still calls for a minimum of DIY skills; you do not need to be a carpenter or a qualified electrician, but a few basics skills in these respective areas will surely help you get the job done.
You definitely need to know how to operate a drill and use a spirit level to level off the TV panel. Fixing the mount perfectly level is critical; it will be hard to fix a poorly done job later, so re-check your measurements.
If you want a professionally looking job, you need to be able to work with precision. You also need a good pair of helping hands. In other words, this is at least a two-person job. Finally, you need to know how to follow through the installation instructions that come with your TV and the LCD mount itself. This in itself is purely subjective, yet there are a few considerations that come into play.
The main issue here is that what you will be hanging on the wall, or in that case even on a pedestal stand, is not a framed picture, but a TV. While LCD TV screens tend to be easier on the eye than plasma TVs when used in brightly lit rooms due to their inherent anti-glare technology, yet any bright source of light shining onto the screen surface will still ruin your viewing experience.
As expressed in our plasma installation guide, the best way to decide before installing your LCD mount is to make a note of how sunlight travels across the room you plan to use. Try to place your seating along the wall where light hits and your flat-panel screen on the opposite wall. The next consideration is available wall space, or floor area in case of a pedestal-type LCD mount.
Try to find enough clearance. Typically, you need a minimum of twice the screen width. For a high-definition LCD TV, this should theoretically be between 2 to 3 times the screen width; please check our TV Viewing Distance guide for more information on this subject. If you do not have the available space for your screen size, either go for a smaller screen, or try a diagonal placement for your TV and seating arrangement.
Note that while the above should help you identify a suitable spot for your LCD TV, at the same, keep in mind that the ultimate placement of your TV is one that best suits your needs and room decor. In other words, go for a placement that you feel comfortable with. There are a number of considerations that relate to the TV height.
You should aim at a height that proves comfortable on your neck from your viewing position when seated. As detailed in our TV Viewing Distance article, the guideline is that the maximum vertical angle of view should not exceed 35 degrees. The maximum vertical angle refers to the maximum vertical angle as measured at the eye height with the viewer is seated at the front-row center-seat, to the topmost part of the screen.
Note that this represents the maximum vertical setting, not the ideal vertical placement. For the best viewing position, the center of the screen should be at eye level when seated. This is the position that will result in a minimum of eye and neck movement during TV viewing. Many consider this as excessively low placement for a wall-mounted display.
Keep in mind however that here we are dealing with a TV not a framed picture. The next-best alternative is to place the LCD mount such that the bottom part of the screen is no higher than the eye level when seated, while the top of the display is no higher than the eye level when standing. Anything between these limits should yield a comfortable TV viewing experience. Are you still uncertain about the chosen spot where you will be installing your LCD mount?
Why not give it a test-run? Hang a piece of black cardboard of similar size to your TV on the wall where you plan to mount your TV. Leave it in place for a couple of days and see if you like the location! In the meantime, it is also worth monitoring the sun light falling on your chosen spot during different times of the day. A flat panel TV looks at its best when all connecting cables are completely hidden. This mounting option is a great straightforward solution for spaces without small children.
These stands would normally enable you to hide all interconnecting cables through the support column. The solution here is either to run your connecting cables through the wall, or hide cables by camouflaging them behind suitable trunking solutions.
Camouflaging is the easiest and least expensive approach for the DIY to hide that ugly looking bunch of interconnecting wires between your flat panel TV and the rest of the equipment. Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article Steps. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. However, some early models are for use only on tabletops and you cannot mount these.
If it has 4 or more threaded screw inserts where the mount can attach to the set, the television is capable of being mounted on a wall. Consider the size of your television set and the level of tilt or rotation you desire when you choose your mount.
Some mounts fit up against the wall and do not allow you to move your television set after you mount it. However, other LCD TV mounts allow you to pull your television set away from the wall to rotate or tilt the angle of the television. These mounts typically cost more than the standard, fixed mounts do. Choose the wall on which you will mount your LCD TV, and check that wall for obstructions below the mount, which is where your cables will run.
Interior walls are much easier than exterior walls because you will need to run cables through your wall. Exterior walls offer obstructions like sway braces or fire blocks that can make accessing your cables much more difficult.
Determine the placement of your television on the wall. Make sure that nothing obstructs the view of your LCD TV when you determine where on the wall to place your mount. You can run an outlet to that location or install a clock-box, which the National Electric Code recommends. Use your stud finder to locate nearby studs in the wall and hang the mount. Attaching your LCD TV mount with 2 bolts in at least 1 stud will help ensure that the mount stays in place once you attach the television.
For heavier sets, experts recommend you attach the mount to at least 2 studs, positioning 2 bolts in each stud. Various types of mounts involve different methods of attaching to the television, so be sure you read the instructions to provide the best protection for your television. Look up the model number of your TV on Google and locate the instruction manual online. There should be detailed instructions somewhere there as all television units are different. Yes No. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 6. A comfortable starting point is roughly 46 inches up from the floor to the center of the screen.
Suggestion: Tape a piece of paper or cardboard to the wall the size of your tv screen to get an idea of how it will feel on your neck and eyes. Adjust accordingly and mount when the viewing angle feels comfortable to the family. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 3. You cannot raise the TV once it is mounted. You would have to relocate the mount higher if you want it higher. Some wall mounts have a tilting option which allows you to tilt it up and down a little, but not to raise it up and down.
Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2. Does the wall mount come with the TV? My TV does not have a wall mount, but there are 4 threaded holes for wall mounting. No, a flat screen TV will not come with a wall mount.
You will have to buy that separately.