When you see the Delivery Method option, you need to select Add to Drive. You should now receive an email. Select View in Drive , and you will now see a folder with all your data organized for you.
When you see the Delivery Method option, you need to select Add to Dropbox. You should now get directed to Dropbox. When prompted, you should see a window for Google Download Your Data to access the apps folder within Dropbox.
Choose Allow. You will then receive an email. Choose View in Dropbox. This will direct you to the Dropbox folder that houses your data. One-time Export — this creates a single archive of the data you have selected. Typically, this is best if the account is not going to be used again. An example might be when you have an employee that leaves, or you change your email address.
Scheduled Export — with the scheduled option, you will automatically create an archive of your selected data every 2 months for an entire year. Tgz files — be wary as you may need additional software to open these files.
Step 2: Scroll down to the Mail section and make sure all Mai l is enabled. Step 3 : Click all mail data included which will open the page below. Step 4: Choose select labels. But before you do that, ensure that the labels you want to download are under the select labels icon. The next step is to pick a delivery method.
With the above-mentioned methods, the user can easily download messages from Gmail. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. Download Gmail Emails to Computer Below are the methods to download or backup messages from Gmail, you can follow them. Using Google Takeout With the use of Google Takeout, download all your Gmail emails in a compressed and convenient format. Follow the steps below to use this method: In the web browser type myaccount.
In the next window scroll down and click on Download your data option. Also, manual exporting requires time, and if done incorrectly by an inexperienced person can also lead to errors. In comparison with the manual method, the automatic one is more flexible. The Gmail to Outlook Transfer tool also fixes common errors and damages in emails, attachments and embedded files. This results in accurate conversion that allows you to almost immediately after transfer from Gmail to receive and send emails using Outlook.
No need to spend hours on locating missed messages, fixing messages date and time stamps, etc. How do they call the symbol in other countries? An MBOX file is a mail storage format i. Read more. How to Export the Outlook Calendar to Thunderbird. As the world slowly but steadily is getting used to remote work and digital workplaces, Read more. Has your mailbox grown larger than 5 GB? Do you need to transfer it to Read more.
Three steps to transfer your entire local mailboxes to a new computer are: export them Read more. How useful was this post? Click on a star to rate it! As you found this post useful Follow us on social media! We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! Let us improve this post! Tell us how we can improve this post? Submit Feedback. Fortunately for Gmail users, the hackers used the compromised accounts just to send spam emails even though they had permissions to do a lot more, including deleting all emails.
Of course, information loss is just one of the many reasons why people should learn how to download Gmail emails. When you download Gmail emails to your computer, you become able to easily move to a different email provider or access your emails even when Gmail is down.
Clean Your Inbox Manage your mailbox overloaded with unwanted emails more efficiently.