Software quality assurance interviews

These background questions can help the interviewer understand more about your experience in the software industry and quality assurance field:. Have you ever done software quality assurance before? How much experience do you have with quality assurance? What's the difference between quality assurance and software testing? How does your educational background relate to working in QA? What kind of software have you assured the quality of in the past? Have you ever written a test case without documents?

Have you ever resolved software production issues before? What kinds of testing automation tools have you used? What kinds of verification techniques have you used? These questions cover the basics of quality assurance testing responsibilities:.

What is the difference between build and release? What is the difference between severity and priority? These in-depth questions can help an interviewer understand your comprehensive knowledge about software testing, programming and quality assurance:.

Can you explain the various tasks of a software quality assurance engineer? What might you include in a quality assurance testing document? What is the difference between verification and validation? Can you explain the importance of Agile testing? Can you explain the different types of software testing?

What quality assurance methods do you use and why? What is the difference between load testing, volume testing and stress testing?

What is the difference between boundary testing and branch testing? What's the difference between functional testing and nonfunctional testing? What is the difference between positive and negative testing? What are five common solutions for software development problems?

Related: 12 Tough Interview Questions and Answers. Tell me about a time when you had to communicate expected standards to a co-worker. In your answer to quality assurance interview questions about communication highlight your competence in using the appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods to gain acceptance of an activity, plan or document.

Get help with understanding what is expected from you when answering behavioral interview questions in your job interview. The quality assurance job description provides a clear overview of the job requirements for the QA role.

Prepare for quality assurance interview questions that explore your specific knowledge and experience of quality assurance. QA Interview Questions. Be ready for standard job interview questions in addition to the specific quality assurance interview questions we have discussed. We provide excellent sample interview answers to help you with this. Why should we hire you? What can you tell me about yourself?

Why do you want to work here? A useful resource for your job interview preparation is the project management interview questions guide. Job Interview Answers to tricky QA interview questions. Have a list of insightful quality assurance questions to ask in your job interview. Go through the interview checklist to be well prepared for your QA interview. To Top of Page. Don't Miss These Latest Updates. Congratulations, you have got the job offer! During this the priority and severity of bug is low, as bug can be removed before the final handover.

Bug leakage is something, when the bug is discovered by the end users or customer, and not detected by the testing team while testing the software. Data driven testing is an automation testing framework, which tests the different input values on the AUT. These values are read directly from the data files. The data files may include csv files, excel files, data pools and many more. The test strategy includes an introduction, resource, scope and schedule for test activities, test tools, test priorities, test planning and the types of test that has to be performed.

The testing of all the branches of the code, which is tested once, is known as branch testing. While the testing, that is focused on the limit conditions of the software is known as boundary testing. Agile testing is software testing, is testing using Agile Methodology.

The importance of this testing is that, unlike normal testing process, this testing does not wait for the development team to complete the coding first and then doing testing. The coding and testing both goes simultaneously. It requires continuous customer interaction. Test case is a specific condition to check against the Application Under Test.

It has information of test steps, prerequisites, test environment, and outputs. The systematic and independent examination for determining the effectiveness of quality control procedures is known as the quality audit. The document that describes, the user action and system response, for a particular functionality is known as USE case. It includes revision history, table of contents, flow of events, cover page, special requirements, pre-conditions and post-conditions.


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