Signs of an addiction to crack

They can include, but are not limited to, the following: Euphoria Decreased appetite High blood pressure Increased body temperature Alertness sometimes to the point of paranoia Tremors These symptoms can occur anytime you use crack but does not always signify an addiction. Dangers of Crack Addiction There is no value to crack. Some of the most common dangers associated with crack addiction can include the following: Legal problems — Crack is an illegal substance.

If you are caught using it or with it in your possession, you can be arrested. While the stigma surrounding addiction is breaking, it has not been completely broken. It is possible that you may continue to get into legal trouble despite previous consequences. The physical and mental need to keep using can become more important than obeying the law. Health problems — Similar to pure cocaine, crack is tied to several cardiovascular health problems.

If you are addicted to crack, you are at risk for suffering any of the following health problems: Heart attack Arterial damage High blood pressure Stroke The myocardium death of heart muscles Social problems — Chances are that if you are addicted to crack, you use frequently. Of course, everyone uses crack differently, but the high is very short. This means that if you want to stay high, you need to keep using it. Your cyclical use of crack can interfere with your social life in a number of ways.

Not only are you putting all your focus on your crack addiction, but you are probably withdrawing from others. The relationships you have can become strained or broken and making new relationships can be difficult. Things between you and your family might be rocky, especially because addiction is a family disease. Make a Call Because of its potency and addictive quality, any amount of Crack use should be cause for concern. Those addicted to Crack put getting their fix above all else, including breaking the law.

Knowing what to look for could save your life or the life of someone you care about. A few of the symptoms of addiction, as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-V include ignoring responsibilities to use, tolerance, withdrawal, and using more than initially intended.

Anyone exhibiting these symptoms may meet the clinical definition of Crack Cocaine addiction. Learn more about diagnosing an addiction.

Once it has come to light that someone is addicted to Crack, the next step is to get them help. This is where an intervention can come in handy. Interventions are a good way to coax an addict into recovery. When someone addicted to Crack is surrounded by people who care, he or she is more likely to accept treatment.

Because people addicted to Crack often exhibit violent or paranoid behavior, it may be beneficial to hire an intervention specialist. Learn more about staging an intervention. Break free from addiction. You have options.

Talk about them with a treatment provider today. Someone seeking treatment for a Crack Cocaine addiction will experience symptoms of withdrawal within the first few hours after their last dose.

The symptoms of Crack withdrawal are predominantly psychological. Symptoms include fatigue, unusual sleep patterns and intense cravings. Professional treatment can help addicts cope with the symptoms of withdrawal and make a successful, lasting recovery. Depending on the individual, treatment can range from outpatient therapy and support groups to an inpatient rehabilitation center.

Treatment for Crack addiction is a long road, but recovery is possible. Contact a treatment provider and take your life back today. A person abusing crack can have blood shot eyes, or they may experience swollen eyes.

So when a user gets high from the drug they may feel extremely happy and have a surplus of energy, but when the high wears off they will be extremely fatigued and sad.

This willl results in a user have extreme highs and lows, which results in rapid mood swings. This effect of crack abuse is unavoidable. A person who continually uses crack may not sleep for days on end, which can result in extreme paranoia and can be dangerous. A person using crack will become fidgety when they are on the drug, and even when they are off the drug.

When they are on the drug their nervous system will be stimulated causing their hands to twitch and even sometimes the grinding of their teeth. Table of Contents. Ready to Get Help? Below is a sample of some of the insurances our partners work with. Addiction What is Addiction? All Rights Reserved.

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