San clemente general plan update

This page provides information and links to these documents. Strategic Implementation Program. The SIP groups IMs by element, references related General Plan policies, and identifies the status, priority, and lead department for overseeing the project or program. The most recent update to the SIP was in June Click here to open the Strategic Implementation Program overview and program.

A nnual Progress Report. Date: Tuesday, November 2, Time: p. Have Comments? The City welcomes your input! How do you think the City should update these Specific Plans to be consistent with adopted goals, policies, and standards in the General Plan?

Please complete a survey using the widget below and your input will be forwarded to the project planner. Kyle Webber, Assistant Planner webberk san-clemente. Jump to subpage The Housing Element provides goals, policies, and actions that help the City plan for necessary housing needs for all citizens. State law requires regular updates to the Housing Element and the time from one update to the next is called a housing cycle. For a map of this proposed change, click this link. Expand the Architectural Overlay district, where Spanish or Spanish Colonial Revival architecture is required for major remodels and new development, to include parcels between the downtown and Pier Bowl areas.

Latest News - Outreach Meetings 3rd meeting - December 14, This meeting will be held from to p.


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