Alexandra Sherman's Ownd. Torrents not downloading from revolutiontt. Noob needing help with downloading torrent from private tracker I joined two different private trackers this morning, I've been trying to download a torrent to test to see if it's working but when I add the torrent file nothing happens.
Here is how to fix it: 1 Go to Options Preferences. If you are a fan of private BitTorrent trackers, this will perhaps be the best news you'll hear in the next couple of months. RevolutionTT aka RevTT , a hugely popular and highly sought after private tracker, will have free open signups throughout the upcoming weekend.
As you may already know RevTT is not a very easy tracker to get into - last time this tracker opened to the public was. Revolutiontt — UK general tracker. It is one of really powerful, oldest and the most popular trackers with excellent community and great speed! Almost everyone who is interested in torrents knows about this resource. This is a UK general tracker, one of the oldest and the greatest trackers in the network, having a very good community.
Almost everyone who is interested in torrents, certainly has heard about this resource, because virtually all categories from the p2p world is presented on this site in a huge amount.
The rate of appearance of new products will delight the most demanding users. Therefore, if you want to get the first, for example, a new game to fill it early on another tracker for bonuses, access to Revolutiontt solves this problem better than anyone.
Besides a huge database of games this flagship p2p world contains an impressive collection of music, movies, computer software, e-books. Also open this weekend!!! Dvdrsource - Nordic dvdr tracker has open signup and freeleech on everything this weekend! HD res is HD res regardless of codec. Are you trying to say that XviD is a higher fidelity encoder than, say, x? I love the new BR xvid rips that are out, but don't like how they make them x So I have been making my own.
I would go with x but that is over kill for a movie that is so old like this one. I wanted the great sound and video that comes with BR, and keep the higher video size, so here is my version which also can be played on xbox in full 5.
I have signed up.. Registered users 50, That's nearly 10k new recruits in less than a day. If you still don't receive it, try with another e-mail provider. Thx for the quick response.. BTW i used gmail account. Not sure if thats the culprit. But 10k in a day is quite an achievement. Thanks for clarifying. By the way tl is so overrated. Whether there is 10 seeders or my seedbox maxes out on most sites.
Who wants to look at that cheap pathetic ads they run. What a joke. I registered and am very satisfied. Ppl want to help out and seeding works great, which is very welcome being a starting member :. Post a Comment.