The uniqueness of this essay can be spotted from its content and intent. You should start your response paper by writing a few sentences to summarize the work you have read. The easiest way for you to do this is by making notes while researching the topic that you will use in your intro. Close the introduction with a strong, debatable thesis statement.
For a standard essay, ensure you have at least three paragraphs. Avoid making the paper messy and difficult to follow by making sure you explain one reaction per paragraph. In your conclusion, summarize the main ideas.
Sum up what you have been writing all along. This is also where you restate your thesis statement. You should avoid repeating the same idea; try synthesizing new ones. Note: You should not introduce entirely new ideas in the conclusion. Reflective essay, on response. Grammar and punctuation are paramount in a response paper.
Spend some effort on proofreading so that your response paper looks great. As a Response essay writer, you should follow certain stylistic rules. Most of the mistakes are preventable if you have an outline. A common mistake most students do include their personal stories in a response essay.
This is inappropriate as it deviates you from the objective of the paper. Response papers are assigned to students to help them think about what they have studied. Interactive resources you can assign in your digital classroom from TpT. Easel Activities. Pre-made digital activities.
Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Browse Easel Activities. Easel Assessments. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Browse Easel Assessments. Log In Join Us. View Wish List View Cart. You Selected: Keyword response to literature template. Sort by Relevance. Price Ascending. Most Recent. Google Apps. See All Formats.
All Google Apps. All Microsoft. Microsoft PowerPoint. Microsoft Word. Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Publisher. All Interactive Whiteboards. Internet Activities e. Boom Cards. All Formats. Grades PreK. Other Not Grade Specific. Higher Education. Adult Education. Art History. Graphic Arts. Instrumental Music. Visual Arts. English Language Arts. All 'English Language Arts'. Balanced Literacy. Close Reading. Creative Writing. ELA Test Prep.
Informational Text. Other ELA. Reading Strategies. Short Stories. Foreign Language. All 'Foreign Language'. American Sign Language. Back to School. Black History Month. Earth Day.
End of Year. Martin Luther King Day. Presidents' Day. Patrick's Day. The New Year. Her conclusion is that we need to personally decide not to use a cell phone while driving and that we need to educate our friends and family to give up using cell phones while driving too.
Each of these statements would be the topic sentence of one of the body paragraphs. For the first one, I also give examples of the type of arguments and support I would use to write that paragraph and prove my point.
Laws make people realize that cell phone driving is dangerous. Below is an example of some support I could use to back up this idea—you can use ideas from the article but do not repeat the article. I would return to my personal story and pick it up where I left off.
I do crash and there is a lot of damage to my car, but no one is hurt. End with an appeal to the reader to do the same, but to also support legislation to prohibit cell phone use while driving. Responding personally to an article is usually the start of any analysis of writing, so it is a good first paper type to write.
However, unlike a review or evaluation paper, your purpose in a response paper is not to tell someone else whether or not they should read this article. Instead, your purpose is to explain your reaction and to give reasons this will be the body of your paper why you reacted that way.
Doing an evaluation paper would take the reading response a step further and is probably one of the papers you will do next in your course. Question: My reading response paper is about a short story that we read in our class. Our assignment is to write a response to the story and express our opinion, Can you explain how to do this?
Answer: I'm glad you've asked whether a reading response paper can be about a piece of literature. You can actually use many of the same techniques in writing about a short story as you do in writing about non-fiction articles. Here is a step-by-step:. Begin your paper with a brief description of the story, using the author and full title of the story to start. Here is an example:.
In the short story, "I'm Afraid of Bears" by Jon Junko, a young man in college named Ben goes on a camping trip with friends to overcome his fear of being outside which started when he was bit in the head by a bear while sleeping in a tent with his parents when he was eight.
Ben's journey on this camping trip parallels his journey through his fears to overcome them and includes End this paragraph with a thesis sentence which tells your main response and opinion about the story. Junko's story is engaging, and his character of Ben is believable, authentic and relatable; moreover, I found the story suspenseful and was moved to think about how I needed to confront and overcome my fears.
In this "roadmap thesis," you can give yourself and your reader an outline of everything you will be talking about in the paper. So turn these ideas into topic sentences. Conclude your paper with why you liked or did not like the story and maybe what you will continue to think about or do after having read the story. If the class discussion also influenced you, you can talk about that as well. Question: Where should a response-to-literature essay identify the author and title of the literary work being discussed?
Answer: You need to identify the author and title of the literary work as soon as you start talking about them in your essay, which is usually in the introduction.
Generally, you will also tell the main point of the literature at the same time, so you might want to put this at the end of the first paragraph or the beginning of the second paragraph. You can put it in the very first sentence if it is a short essay, but generally, you may want to start with a bit more of an interesting introduction.
Answer: There is no particular word count required for this sort of paper. Your instructor will probably have this information for you. However, I usually assign at least a page essay to make sure the students do a thorough job. Hi Dae--what you are describing is a personal experience essay.
You can find my instructions on that by Googling that title and my name. Is it the same process as the one demonstrated above? Excellent post!!!. The strategy you have posted on this technology helped me to get into the next level and had lot of information in it. You should start by identifying the book and author and giving one sentence which tells your main reaction.
Ideally, that sentence will tell two different ideas so you can do one in the first paragraph and the other in the second paragraph. The outline includes sections for: Title,. English Language Arts , Literature , Writing. Graphic Organizers , Outlines , Worksheets.
Show more details. Wish List. The students get to choose which topic to respond to after reading The Outsiders. There are 3 different choices. This packet includes the outline for each of the 5 paragraphs that the student must complete. This is a Response to Literature assignment.
Writing , Writing-Essays , Writing-Expository. Novel Study , Outlines , Projects. Handouts , Outlines , Printables. English Language Arts , Writing-Essays. Handouts , Printables. Response to Literature Essay Outline. This can be edited however, to fit any book of your choosing. This is for the prompt that requires students to analyze character traits in an essay format. Students are required to cite. Handouts , Printables , Worksheets. Response to Literature Sentence Frame Outline.
Works Great with 4th graders. Grammar , Writing-Essays , Writing-Expository. The materials will provide a great introduction or. Activities , PowerPoint Presentations. See a description of each resource included in this below:Teaching Resource 1: Welcome to Dystopia - A Nightmare Disguised as ParadiseThis resource provides students with the frame of reference.
Activities , Unit Plans. Show 2 included products. Learners are given 6 potential topics about characters in the play and whether they are to blame for the tragedy. They will then write an essay on their ideas. The grading rubrics are included for easy, effective grading and feedback. English Language Arts , Literature , Reading. The perfect product to use in conjunction with the read aloud titled, Windows by Julia Denos!
Back to School , Reading , Writing. This Response to Literature Essay Powerpoint with student handouts explicitly teaches the writing process from creating a web, making a plan with an outline, and writing the essay. It follows the step up to writing model with full color coding and terms, and uses the story "Seventh Grade" by Gary S.
Response to Literature Writing for Kids! If you liked my Write Right! Series then you will love this post-unit! Each section comes with Step-by-step posters, graphics organizers, and writing paper. I hope y. Posters , Printables , Unit Plans. Teaching Response to Literature. PDF EBooks. Teaching Response to Literature is a comilation of tools used to help students produce written response to literature pieces.
It is the result of 7 years of trying to come up with something that worked for kids of all ability levels when teaching written literary response. I have included step-by-st. Mini-Course , Outlines. This is a step-by-step guide, showing students how to analyze a poem and write a response to literature essay.
This bundle includes a page graphic organizer, showing the poem analysis, brainstorming, outlining, and writing an essay steps. It also includes a 98 slide PowerPoint, going over each of.
Graphic Organizers , PowerPoint Presentations. Do your students need guidance in the multiple genres of writing, especially those addressed in the new Common Core State Standards? If so, this is the bundle for you! This "Writing Bundle" includes worksheet outlines for students to use to brainstorm their writing, student sample outlines, and fu.
Lesson Plans Bundled , Minilessons , Outlines. Response to Literature Essay Frame. Students' literary analysis and thoughts can be presented academically with this response to literature essay frame.