I stopped using them due to pricing for multiple devices - 2 phones, 3 desktops and a laptop. Daily multiple popups and emails is harassment.
Hey sales department - take a freaking HINT! I cannot in any way recommend this company. They gave me trouble when calling, saying their service is good and important to protect a computer. Then they lied to American Express and said I only cancelled future renewal, and charged my mom who can no longer use her computer, even though it says its service can be cancelled within 60 days.
Founded in , McAfee is a longstanding and trusted name in antivirus software for consumers and business because of how the company has continued to advance products to keep up with a changing industry over the years. Now a part of Intel Security Group, the brand will be eventually be renamed. Global threat intelligence: McAfee uses this process, which collects data from millions of sources from around the globe, to offer real-time protection against viruses and other malicious threats.
Protection for all devices: One McAfee subscription with a day money back guarantee includes antivirus protection for all PCs, Macs, iOS and Android phones and tablets and Android watches. Anti-theft features for mobile devices lock down the device and can locate it when lost or stolen. Parental controls: This feature offers filtering and monitoring of what children can access and see when they are online.
True Key Identity Manager: This is a secure software password vault that is used to log into mobile apps, websites and devices using a combination of facial recognition, fingerprint or devices. Home network scanning: McAfee can scan a home Wi-Fi network to detect unprotected devices. Shelley Elmblad is a freelance writer with years of experience covering small business, personal finance and tax software and mobile apps.
Sign up to receive our free weekly newsletter. We value your privacy. Unsubscribe easily. Home Electronics and Tech Antivirus Software. Are you this business? Save Saved. Live agent Are you this business? About McAfee.
Overall Satisfaction Rating 5 stars. Sort: Top reviews. Top reviews. I was recommended to buy a Mcafee Lifesave Premium and Microsoft package. I have successfully I believe!
Do i need to somehow disable this? Or did I not need the Mcafee antivirus software? I really don't even know what the 'S' is all about anyway? I am so confused on what to do. I know I probably sound like a dinosaur but it is all making my brain hurt. Other smaller shops such as mine do it all by ourselves, so we have more flexibility with Jamf scripts and how to package. PROTip: deploy the install. Yeah, I just opened up Composer and looked at mine No issues now or prior. Does anyone know what this means.
When i run it, it launches and get stuck here. I've moved companies and my new org uses McAfee. I'm not familiar with McAfee and Mac, and looking over bits of documentation and posts here and there, I'm wondering if all I need to do is package up the install.
No changes needed to the script? What is the ripoff. Jamf Nation Community. Help Sign In. Go to solution. I have the same question Report abuse.
Details required :. Cancel Submit. You can usually find bit x86 versions of apps, but some app developers only offer bit x64 apps. However, Windows Security will help keep you safe for the supported lifetime of your Windows 10 device.