Prism guard shield free download

D ownload F ree G ames. No Adware, Spyware or Pirated software. Rating: 8 Player Ratings - Avg. Rating 4. The game focuses on the unconventional application of new and emerging weapons and surveillance technologies in the war against terrorism.

When terrorist activities are suspected or potential targets are identified, players are called into action. Players will find themselves in a unique gaming experience that draws players into a world that blurs the lines between commercial entertainment and America's secret struggle against terrorism using tomorrow's technology and weapons.

In this game you are a member of the police force on a mission to rid the United States of terrorism. The single player mode, online option, and free download make this a great game that you should give a try. As a member of the United States police force your job is to break through the lines of terrorists and uncover valuable intel that can protect the US against attack.

You play through the first person perspective, using both the keyboard and mouse as your devices to move. The WASD keys are used to move the body of your character forward, left, backwards, and right. The mouse movements act as your head and eyes.

You look, and move your gun, where your cursor is pointed. Left clicking the mouse fires your weapon and right clicking aims your gun. Other buttons are scattered throughout the keyboard and include reloading, an action button, jumping, running, and grenades along with others.

These buttons are pretty typical of a FPS game making it easy for fans of the genre to pick up. Prism: Guard Shield has both a multiplayer and single-player option that keep the game interesting and increase playability.

Each level is a different location throughout the states and each place brings new objectives, which develop the game and keep it interesting. The extensive levels bring a lot to the game and make it so you'll have hours and hours of play.

The multiplayer modes, online and LAN, are great options for players looking take full advantage of this game. In the multiplayer mode you can compete online against people throughout the world or in a LAN against friends in a closed network.

In the multiplayer mode you can compete against up to 32 players online in either a Death Match game, Team Death Match, or Cooperative mode. Death Match is an everyone for themselves mode that pits you against players up to This is for more experienced players and is fast paced. Team Death Match divides the players into 2 teams. Click here. Popular Downloads Macromedia Flash 8 8.

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