Nitrome make your own game

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Register Don't have an account? View source. History Talk Welcome to Nitrome Wiki! The bombs can be kicked by walking into them which is handy if you want to tackle some of the enemies and they have a multitude of other uses too The game is currently on Steam Greenlight which is what we need to go through to get it onto Steam.

If anyone has a steam account we would really appreaciate if you could head over to the page and vote for us here. Finally a lot of people may see a lot of similaritys with our previously announced Steam project Flightless and they do have a lot in common. Flightless has sadly not been worked on for a long time and at this point should be considered cancelled. It may seem strange to some that we have made a similar game to Flightless rather than just pick up Flightless. In truth it is mostly coincidence We decided it was a good fit for Steam after starting development and the time felt right to give the format another go.

Check out Flat Pack which some of you might recall is following on from an idea we had many years back which we referred to as project surface.

Well this just goes to show that given time we do go back to some things and now in Unity rather than flash this idea seemed much more possible. For now this is just a small teaser but there are many more cool things to show on this game at a later date.

Today we have launched sequel to our stretchy adventure Silly Sausage: Doggy Dessert. Set within a Dessert themed dreamland there are many new obstacles and enemies to deal with from Cherry on the cake bombs to Enemy Cream that you literally have to eat through. New to this version are special side challenge rooms with Dog Treat prizes to collect and we even round off the game with an epic boss fight against a wedding cake at the end. Apple App Store. Google Play Store.

Christmas is nearly upon us and that means we have some juicy new content to entertain you through the holidays. First up we have just launched a big new winter update for our Leap Day game. Every day this week we have a special winter day to play through and each one will introduce a special new mechanic. There are also two new themes to enjoy and some new winter themed music too! There is also a special little surprise waiting for you on another special day sometime in the future so keep your eyes peeled for that :.

Google Play store. Its a crazy Platformer where you can literally but stomp your way between worlds! We have created a cool bunch of brand new stickers for our favourite platformer Leap Day!

Included are. Dancing, angry, thumbs up, rage and more! Halloween, Birthdays, Super bowl anyone? Overlap multiple stickers to create hilarious outcomes. Why not mix them with your own photos and gifs too? We hope you enjoy our stickers. Please feel free to tweet us with anything you manage to create, we would love to see them.

Hey Nitromians, Leap Day now has cloud saving on iOS android is proving a little more tricky, but we are making good progress What does 'Cloud Saving' actually mean you ask? Meaning you can play on one device and carry on your progress on another.

Gone are the days of broken devices and lost save date, huzzar! These bugs and improvements may get fixed in small batches depending if and when and if they are fixed. We are aware of some other small issues like the frozen upside-down octopus, the eggs that sometimes bounce off your head and the occasional small escaping bugs and wall plant spitters.

We may fix these too given time. But for now we want to give ourselves time to create new stuff instead of just patching rare hard to fix bugs. Download on the Appstore! Download on the Google Play store! Hey Nitromians,. So hover your thumbs over the update button, as things are going to get a whole lot more interensting.

Thanks for playing Leap Day. Be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest news! Enjoy our latest 1-Bit retro treat Magic Mansion. On March 5th the Balloon Maker was removed due to a massive amount of balloons over 10 million [2] and that a lot of the balloons were offensive. Nitrome revealed on March 22nd , in a comment replying to a fan on Steam, more information on why Balloon Maker was closed. If a balloon is chosen to be made, a blank ball attached to a basket with the driver in it will appear.

A template can be selected, that make it look like Hot Air's actual face with color differences. Then, it can be drawn upon and coloured as necessary. Finally, the driver's color can be chosen and a name given. This gallery page was a separate page in the domain of nitrome. It likely lacked an instructions bar likely because the gallery was not a game, but a a place for people to look at created balloons. If this method of viewing balloons existed, clicking a button to go to another page within the game would likely take the viewer to another page, but it would not seem like this as all that would be done would be that?

Once a balloon was created in Hot Air Balloon Maker, the creator could submit the balloon to Nitrome, for a chance for the balloon to enter the Balloon gallery. Nitrome would then moderate the entry, and if it was seen as good enough to go into the Balloon gallery, it would likely be entered into the gallery to be publicly visible to all. Unfortunately, due to the large number of submissions entered, Nitrome eventually had to remove Balloon gallery as the time needed to moderate them all would have required "a member of staff to permanently stop making games just to deal with them all" [3] , which would have essentially meant that Nitrome would have to hire a person solely to moderate balloons.

Furthermore, Nitrome has stated that the majority of submissions were "rude" [3] , likely implying most were offensive.


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