I was waiting on some of my software manufacturers to post new drivers. I probably will try and get it done this week. So why not downgrade to the version you love? Nero WaveEditor Nero Wave Editor is a program for editing and recording audio files. The various filtering and sound optimization methods allow you to create individual audio files quickly and easily. The ultimate multimedia suite for your PC! Nero is a full-fledged multimedia suite providing you with a wide range of tools to burn DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, and other multimedia utilities.
With the Windows Ma Nero combines huge amounts of features in a compact and easy to use package. It handles disc duplicating and pre-mastering with ease, supported by a cover designer and even an audio file editor. The excellent GUI desing keeps all the functions handy and guarantees that simple tasks can be done quickly. Listen to the hits of your favorite bands and discover new songs by accessing over , online radio stations and thousands of concerts, music videos, and fan content Free Download Nero 7 windows 7,8, 8.
Watch later. Copy link. Tap to unmute. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Up next. Nero 6 est un logiciel de gravure multifonction. Downgrade auf die Version, die Sie lieben,! With the help of different interrelated applications the latest version of Nero covers all of the media based files. It means that you can rip audio tracks easily from any disc and later convert files into some popular and fascinating audio formats.
The best thing about this converter is that it works very fast. Within three minutes, you can produce a copy of an audio CD. There is no significant difference in the quality and content to the original source.
It is worth mentioning here that the security features of Nero are exceptional. Through this technology, you can add digital signature and protect your disc with a password so, that users can verify their identity and then use. One annoying feature is that there is no special window for the four main areas of Nero There is a just a launcher screen. For back up, you can make use of different sources. For compatibility of 3rd party applications, use the ACT forum. Sign in to vote. Any ideas as to how to get this program working?
Saturday, June 10, PM. Try Nero 6. I have it installed and it works fine. You will catch some errors during the install, but it does work. Sunday, June 11, PM. We may need to contact the ISV. Sunday, June 11, AM. Version 6 is also working for me. The problem is the imagedrive that 7 wants to install and launch. Tuesday, June 20, AM.
Ya i'm have same prob with Nero 7 too.. So I do that then I get an error msg sayin that it couldn't Register some com file then it tells me to try Install again.
I dunno what else to do.. HELP pls Wednesday, June 21, AM. What is this compat mode you are using? Almost none of my programs are working, but that maybe due to the lack of 64 bit support? I'm not sure if the 32bit emulator is up to snuff at this point in the 64bit vista. Thursday, June 22, PM. I dunno if this works on the 64bit vista U just right-click proggie open prps then use the compat mode for Xp service pack 2 option.
Hope this helps Nero 7 will not work on Vista beta 2 period. There are no known work arounds as well. Saturday, June 24, PM. I have Nero 7. Tuesday, June 27, PM. Install Nero 7 Premium until it will hang up. Wait few min. Restart Computer 4. Dornax , Nov 29, Last edited: Nov 29, Creaky, That's the exact same box I get, except when I click run program, Nero then goes briefly to the option I selected, then disappears and I am left back at the Nero screen I started with.
Any ideas why this might be happening? I really don't want to have to upgrade if at all possible. Thanks a bunch for your time and help! It's Enterprise Edition, but i don't think that should have any bearing on it. The only reason i keep Nero is for multiple concurrent burns of the sama data as Imgburn can't do that.
Hi Creaky, Dornax and dookus: Sorry I haven't posted a reply until now. For some unknown reason I wasn't receiving any alerts to my postings!? It appears to be back working again. I haven't, as yet, installed my new Windows 7 because of a few compatibility issues. I was waiting on some of my software manufacturers to post new drivers. I probably will try and get it done this week.