Mortal kombat game controls

If you have trouble performing special moves, start with the LONG setting. Krushing Blows Held Check - By default, all you need to do to perform a Krushing Blow is to meet the requirements for the move listed in the in-game move list.

However, since you can only use each Krushing Blow once per match, you may not want to save it. Release Check - Also known as Negative Edge, Release Check being ON simply means that you can perform special moves by holding the attack button, performing the input, then releasing the attack button.

This kind of input can be helpful when trying to perform specific combos or advanced setups. Alternate Control - Traditionally, Mortal Kombat does not use diagonal inputs i. If you want to perform a fireball motion, all you have to do is press Down, then Forward, ignoring the diagonal.

However, when you turn Alternate Control ON, you can input moves with the diagonal like you would in Street Fighter or other similar fighting games. Input Shortcuts - If you have trouble performing special moves, while Input Window Timing can help with that, so can the Input Shortcuts option. When this is set to ON, certain shortcuts will work with special moves. If entered correctly, and if any special conditions are met, then a finishing move for that character will occur and end the match.

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Created by. Snorkel Online. Category: Gameplay Basics , Walkthroughs , Weapons. Languages: English.


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