Mass effect patch 1.03

Premium only Off Topic: Hedra's astonishing page layouts revel in their giddy sense of invention. Premium only Off Topic: An end-of-the-year miracle!

The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time. Never miss a thing. Patch 1. It now works as intended Fixed the issue so the Falcon weapon in multiplayer no longer sometimes fire blanks Fixed the issue where enemies who were detonated with a biotic power while in stasis would become invulnerable Fixed the issue where Banshees who got hit with a rocket launcher would not play the correct death animation Fixed the issue where joining a match in progress while a Geth prime turret is active leaves the turret there for the remainder of the game.

It now disappears. Watch on YouTube. Feature This console transition period has been a mess, and will continue through It's making me cross.

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Premium only Off Topic: Hedra's astonishing page layouts revel in their giddy sense of invention 5x7. I loved buying up everything before I even recruit my first squad member. I'm super disappointed at the credit reduction that was such a cool change and now they revert it. I'll wait till your love comes down I'm coming straight for your heart.

There's no reason for this. You should get rewarded for a max level import and k is nothing with price of upgrades in me2. DarkBuster Moderator 7 months ago 8. HentaiMan posted Minor calibrations, fixes, and stability improvements Goddamn it, Garrus. Saiaxs 7 months ago 9. ZeloMedrix51 7 months ago Yeah thats very disappointing, Why did they change the amount of credits you can bring just to revert it back.

Literally no one complained about that. More topics from this board Question about scanning in ME3? Tech Support 6 Answers How to create a Shephard that looks just like this? Build 2 Answers.

Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. The credit nerf is getting a lot of complaints on Twitter, hopefully they change this back. Otherwise I'll have to see if I can play a current patch save of ME1, delete from my system then reinstall from disc and start an unpatched import to ME2 the next time I play. Insom 7 months ago Does ME1 have enough XP to get to 30 now? Doober2 7 months ago ZeloMedrix51 posted Yeah thats very disappointing, Why did they change the amount of credits you can bring just to revert it back.

Literally no one complained about that I'm personally glad they changed it. I was planning to spend all my money before going to Ilos in ME1 now I don't need to worry about it.

I wish you could turn off the import bonuses entirely tbh, especially in ME3, starting at lvl 30 sucks. The only thing I want to import is my Shepards story, not gameplay things. What tough choices? You can afford everything in the game regardless. All this change does is make me have to make multiple stops at different hub worlds to buy things instead of buying it all at once.

It's tedious not a tough choice. Which is an issue when you have limited game time and real world responsibilities. And that's the issue and why I don't want the extra money. I want to have to decide what to buy, rather than just brainlessly buying everything the first time I go to citadel or omega.

I want to need to think and remember the things I want to come back for later. I also like having an extra reason to return to the games hub worlds because I like being in them. This is one of ME1s biggest flaws. The game showers you with money and there is nothing to spend it on until late in the game.

Feels lame to be running around with max credits ME2 and ME3 did money far better. More topics from this board Question about scanning in ME3? Tech Support 6 Answers How to create a Shephard that looks just like this?

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