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Import - Export. Importers Exporters. Isle of Wight. School term-time holidays clash is fought out in Supreme Court. Tuesday, 23 August, Ofsted chair resigns after controversial Isle of Wight comments. Friday, 1 July, Back to the future — amphibious travel gets a fresh lease of life. Thursday, 10 March, UK Budget. Monday, 5 January, Beached car carrier has upmarket cargo. European companies. Tuesday, 2 December, Tuesday, 25 November, Monday, 11 August, Hurricane Bertha pushes UK sailing record into sight.
Monday, 2 September, Nick Butler. Australia — still the lucky country? Friday, 24 May, Isle of Wight sails towards recovery in housing market. Do your DIY for less. For details of our power tool hire and supply services, call us on. All rights reserved. We are so excited to welcome our customers back onboard having completed the biggest upgrade to the Island Line in over 50 years. I am glad to see the upgrades finally come to fruition with this significant investment.
This is another good day for the island and I look forward to seeing these trains carrying thousands of passengers over the coming year.
Traditionally concrete has been used, but works can require long possessions and Road Rail Vehicles are normally required for the transportation of materials. Even when concrete is used, there is still no easy solution to fixing the problem of stepping distances between the train and the platform when subsidence means they have become out of gauge. Dura Platform is a breakthrough composite product which solves all of these challenges and more in record time.
The solution has a host of revolutionary features and allows contractors to replace or overlay onto damaged or subsided platforms a low maintenance, modular, lightweight, height adjustable structure that enhances safety with anti-slip surface options, in-built water management, integral lines, optional integral lighting and snow melting capability, all with similar or lower overall project costs than concrete.
Dura Platform 40 is suitable to enable the re-gauging of existing platforms to meet PTI requirements by overlaying onto existing structures, or for extension and refurbishment of steel and concrete trestle systems. This innovative modular system is an approved product on Network Rails infrastructure list and meets specifications for composite platforms — spanning up to 1. This product was selected due to the fact it can be moved into position without heavy equipment, reducing cost and overall installation time.
Dura Platform , which spans up to 3. The product can even be specified with integral LED lighting to provide additional safety at the track edge. Both products are available in a range of surface finishes to match existing surroundings and have an anti-slip surface which is crankable to allow easy water drainage. The d2 range deploys unique design and the latest composite technology to deliver the safest, most cost-effective and durable solutions on the market.
Composite materials are a realistic long term alternative across a wide range of applications within the Rail Industry in replacing traditional materials.
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