Internal medicine new program residency york

Commitment to Excellence in Medicine It is our objective to train physicians to understand the principles of Internal Medicine and be able to function effectively in whichever area of medicine they choose to practice. Our trainees are exposed to a variety of settings including, in-patient wards, primary care continuity clinic, and subspecialty rotations.

In the primary care clinic, residents have their own patient panel whom they see while being supervised by an attending physician. In the inpatient rotation, there are six teams in three different units. Each team consists of students, interns, residents, and an attending physician. Such clinical exposures enable our trainees to manage patients with basic as well as complex medical issues, comprehensively.

The training also provides sufficient opportunities for our trainees to enhance their clinical experience and become competent well-rounded physicians. Strong Tripartite Curriculum Didactics, Patient Care and Research Our program has numerous didactic lectures which include the following: daily morning reports, daily noon conferences, weekly ground rounds, monthly journal club, weekly morbidity and mortality conferences, bi-monthly discussion of challenging medical cases, and monthly clinical question conferences.

Third-year residents also participate in the monthly hospital-wide root cause analysis. A year-long board review course is offered to all residents through combined video conferences and lectures by the faculty. Our program offers a robust clinical experience in Internal Medicine and its subspecialties in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.

Our trainees actively participate in clinical decision making of all the patients they see. Scholarly publications and presentations in national, regional and local academic meetings are encouraged.

All residents are required to have at least one scholarly activity to be presented prior to the end of training. Supportive Faculty All faculty members are excited to help trainees achieve their professional goals and are mentors to the residents. Residents have direct access to all faculty members including the program leadership and the Chief of Medicine.

Congratulations as you embark on this exciting and momentous time in your career as a physician. Residency training is the first opportunity to begin caring for patients as their doctor and is a challenging period filled with incredible growth. At Weill Cornell Medicine, we believe that this unique experience of training must provide young physicians with all of the skills, knowledge and support to enable them to have successful, productive, and long careers in medicine.

Our residents have a broad base of educational opportunities in the program, ranging from an interactive didactic core curriculum in Academic Time to an integrated simulation program. However, the most amazing educational aspect of our training program is the vast breadth and depth of patients that we get to see practicing medicine in Manhattan.

Our mix of patients from all five boroughs of New York City allows residents to take care of patients from countries from all over the world, with different endemic diseases, different cultural beliefs and different approaches to health care.

There is no curriculum that could surpass the wealth of knowledge that our patients bring in their stories.

We have a dedicated and productive faculty who are devoted to the success of our house staff, encouraging them not only in their clinical work, but also assisting them in and recruiting them to many different projects in scholarship and research - whether their interest is in translation research, quality improvement, education or bench science.

The Internal Medicine Residency Program provides residents with multiple tiers of active mentorship and sponsorship to facilitate their career development. Research Opportunities. Residents are afforded an almost limitless array of research opportunities within every subspecialty of Internal Medicine. Commitment to Continuous Improvement. Learn how our residents contribute directly to hospital changes, drive improvements, and represent the interests of the entire residency program.

Welcome From the Chair. A welcome message from Donald W. Welcome From the Program Director.


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