Installazione flight simulator 2002

The options also allow you to select which airport to go to, which aircraft you want to choose, simulation speed, ATC options, realism settings, and numerous graphics, sound and control options. One seemingly minor detail that I feel needs to be mentioned is that you no longer have to be set at Meigs Airport in Chicago by default when you start.

You can now create a flight starting at any airport and set it as the default. This is a feature that was long overdue in my opinion and I was very happy to see it.

The game plays exactly the same in multiplayer as it does in single player mode except you can see other aircraft and talk to other pilots. I found it to be a pleasant addition to the game as it was kind of fun to watch some people show off or do a little myself and play some cat and mouse type games.

It seems with each new release of MS Flight Sim the graphics get increasingly more detailed and Flight Sim is no different. I also went out and got an additional MB of RAM for my system and noticed with the graphics turned up I did see an increase in my performance. With the graphics settings on high, the ground looked photo-realistic and lots of new little buildings, such as houses or small office buildings, appear when you get close enough to the ground to see them this is a new feature called Auto Generated Scenery.

I also flew very close to Mt. Rainier and it looked incredible. Note: The version I reviewed is labeled "Marketing Copy" with photocopied documentation, so the actual docs in the package may be different. Once again, Microsoft has built upon the previous version of the game to make everything look and feel even more real than before. The addition of several features and planes, such as Multiplayer, ATC, Auto Generated Scenery, and the Cessna Caravan Amphibian certainly make the game much more interesting than previous versions.

And speaking of settings, the game has so many that it can be played by almost anyone at any skill level. If you want to play this wonderful game on your system you should first meet the game required system requirements. So, first, check below the complete system requirements. Published: 13 hours ago. Published: 14 hours ago. Published: 7 days ago. Published: 1 week ago. Published: 2 weeks ago. Contact: , done in 0. Search a Classic Game:.

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