Gentoo unzip zip file

This also works great if you want to pipe the output to another command with buffering without deleting the file zcat file. The Overflow Blog. Stack Gives Back Safety in numbers: crowdsourcing data on nefarious IP addresses. Featured on Meta. New post summary designs on greatest hits now, everywhere else eventually. Linked Related 0. Hot Network Questions. The full path to the location of the bmi executable.

The full path to the minimal ISO file you downloaded from the Gentoo site. Gentoo updates its minimal ISO files frequently.

For best results, always use the most current minimal ISO file. The location for the generated image file. This command creates the files gentoo and gentoord. Check the log file to verify results.

If you included drivers in the image, messages confirm driver injection. At last, the final event that puts everything else into perspective: the setuptools upstream has deprecated the install command. In the end, all the breakage is dumped on distribution packagers. The install command removal is a bigger deal than that. I mean, if we indiscriminately switched to installing without the install command, some packages would effectively be broken silently — they would e.

One I know about is called Portage. We can cross that bridge when we get to it. Until then, it seems an unnecessary work with a fair breakage potential. The Python ecosystem is changing constantly, and the packaging aspect of it is no different. The original distutils build system has eventually evolved into setuptools, and is now being subsumed by it. Setuptools seems to be moving in the direction of becoming yet another PEP build backend and indiscriminately removing features. Unfortunately, this is all happening without much of a concern for backwards compatibility or feature parity.

The Python developers are focused on building their own packaging infrastructure and have no interest in providing a single good workflow for distribution packagers. It is really unfortunate given that many of them rely on our work to build the environments they use to work. At this point, our immediate goal is to get ready for distutils removal and the setuptools switch to the bundled distutils copy. The other issues. While writing this post, I have missed an important limitation of PEP builds.

This was often used to install data files for the package but also to install manpages,. The quick change of versions in python is a problem. Re 3 : The filenames in Linux are just strings of bytes, the encoding your account shows them in is presumably UTF-8 haven't seen anything else for some time.

Also, the Zip format does handle UTF-8, presumably the original filenames where something else Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. No need to uninstall unzip or install file-roller if you install p7zip, just use 7z directly — ndemou. UTF-8 far2l for Korean. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.

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